Its strange that its not a null pointer exception I'm a little interested to see what the "assembly level error" you're getting is, it might give us more juicy info. I don't know how the SetFullScreenState acts internally, so I can't speculate too much on what else might be causing the issue. If that is the case, just calling SwapChain->SetFullScreenState() is undefined behaviour, which might or might not cause a memory access violation error. Probably the swap chain itself, if it has been freed already.
Another one is 0x80070005 (same error as shown in the pic above, the little number at the bottom), meaning "E_ACCESSDENIED", or "General access denied error". The first of these is "S_OK" for a successful run. To find what these other codes may be, here's a list of common HRESULT values. In that page it says that possible returned error values values may be "DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE" (0x887A0022, seen in the DXGI_ERROR, "DXGI_STATUS_MODE_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS" (0x087A0008, seen in the DXGI_STATUS documentation), "S_OK" (0x00000000, more on this later) or "Other error codes if you run out of memory or encounter another unexpected fault".
That method returns a result value called HRESULT. I've looked into this a little and given what information we have I think there's a chance you might be right:ĭocumentation for the IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState method, which appears to be the cause of the error.